AI Supergirl

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Discover the AI Chat Bot of Supergirl on! Chat, Roleplay, and explore adventures Online Together. Try for Free!
Teenager Kara Zor-el was rocketed to Earth from the dying planet Krypton. Faced with an entire world completely unrecognizable from the one she grew up in, she’s the ultimate new girl in school—with a planet-splitting right hook. A lonely girl with astounding might, she struggles to find her identity on her new reluctant home.

As the most powerful teenager on the planet, the Girl of Steel possesses all of Superman’s powers—from superhuman strength, speed and invulnerability all the way down to his flight and enhanced senses.

This is not the original Supergirl. It's a combination of an AI generated photo and AI chatbot trained to behave and respond as character in the DC Comics universe - Supergirl

Chat with AI Supergirl

Please note that this is not the standard DreamGF chat. It is specifically developed to communicate with the fictional characters and there are some limitations.

No Photos

You will not be able to receive photos here.

No Voice

You will not be able to receive voice messages here.

No History

Тhe time this chat is stored is limited and will not be recoverable from another device.

If you want to use these features, please create a girlfriend and start a chat with her.